
GERAS annual conference - call for papers


The GERAS, Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité (the French ESP research group), aims to promote research in the field of English for specific purposes and to provide a community and a place to echange ideas and practices among researchers and practitioners in this field.

During the 2021 GERAS annual conference, participants will be led to think about the breaks and continuities between literary and scientific cultures and, through the prism of this theme, to question the relationship between language skills and knowledge of the field, the scientific status of ESP and the pedagogical and translation practices that all these perspectives imply - among others.

 Because of the current santary context that we are all facing at the moment, this year's GERAS conference will take place at a distance. We will post update about that regularly.

Organizing Committee :


Nicolas Molle, LANSAD UFR - ATILF laboratory

Yvon Keromnes, UFR ALL Metz - ATILF Laboratory

Justine Paris, University of Paris - ATILF Associate Member

Stéphanie Lerat, INSPE Lorraine - ATILF laboratory

Adam Wilson, UFR ALL Metz - IDEA laboratory

Carine Martin, LANSAD UFR - ATILF Laboratory

Carmenne Kalyaniwala, LANSAD UFR - ATILF Laboratory

Vanessa Boullet, UFR ALL Nancy - IDEA laboratory


Claire Kloppmann-Lambert – CLILLAC-ARP laboratory

Evgueniya Lyu – LERMA laboratory

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